Happy Tree Friends Wiki


  • The vending machine from Nuttin' Wrong with Candy and the claw machine from Rink Hijinks appear in the background.
  • This is the first irregular episode in which Flippy does not flip out or kill any characters. Flippy's pupils do, however, shrink and lose their pac-man shape while Cuddles is being thrashed around.
    • Kenn also said that Flippy may have flipped out and killed all the characters that were left in the claw machine after the episode has ended.
  • The HTF Break Claw could be a remake of this episode.
  • The music in this episode and Claw (first part) has also played in the entirety of the episode Pitchin' Impossible and part of Let it Slide.
  • Cuddles wasn't visible until the claw picked him up in the crane machine, this supports the fact Sniffles may be hidden in the machine too as his scream is heard.

Production Notes

  • According to Kenn Navarro, the fates of the characters depend on the viewers, its up to them whether or not Flippy or the crane killed them.
  • Kenn Navarro said that when they reused screams of characters they accidentally added Sniffles' scream in the episode, which explains why Sniffles' voice is heard despite him not making an appearance.