Happy Tree Friends Wiki

Template:Pet Bio

Toothy's pet turtle that appears in Junk in the Trunk, it also appears in episodes without Toothy, and can be extremely aggressive, as shown in Letter Late than Never.

Character Bio

The turtle (Testudines) is a possible recurring animal character in the series. It appears as Toothy's pet in Junk in the Trunk, where it was seen with Toothy. In Letter Late than Never, a pet turtle is seen. This turtle is very violent. It attacked Lumpy the mailman and chased after him and ran. The turtle is shown to be very determined, and did not give up on chasing Lumpy until it at last caught and ate him. There is a chance that it is a different turtle to the first. The terrpian appears again in A Sight For Sore Eyes only without the flame desgin in Lumpy's pet closet.



Toothy's Tortoise is killer a Sniffles


  • The tortoise's flame design in Junk in the Trunk is ironic because those designs (usually on cars) are meant to signify serious speed, and the tortoise, by nature, is incredibly slow.
Happy Tree Friends Animals

The WhaleThe WoodpeckerMittensThe CowThe ReindeerThe Baboon
The Giant SquidWhistleThe GullsThe SharksThe EagleThe Grizzly Bear
The OrcaLumpy's ElephantToothy's TortoiseThe VulturesRussell's Piranha
The Giant CrabSmall BirdsSnakesDogs
