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Images from the short Strain Kringle.
Note: All images are put in order.
Thing-1 and Thing-2 ready for a snowball fight.
Telescopes are rarely used in snowball fights.
"I have spotted our first victim!"
Snowballs are always used in snowball fights.
Moose make excellent targets, if you give them wood and a hammer.
Lumpy doesn't find this very funny.
That rock wasn't there before.
Let me correct the earlier statement: Snowballs aren't used in snowball fights if Lumpy's playing.
Because Lumpy don't play fair.
Toothy has to do something now!
What a majestic strainer.
Strainers shouldn't be used in snowball fights...
The aftermath of using a telescope, a rock, and a strainer in a snowball fight.
Death: Cuddles,