Happy Tree Friends Wiki
Happy Tree Friends Wiki

General Trivia


Kenn Navarro's confirmation that Shifty and Lifty were both born at the same time.


  • In early episodes, his and Lifty's pupils are normal like any other Tree Friend (like Pac-man pupils). However, occasionally in early episodes, and always in later episodes, their pupils dilate/shrink, making them appear more mischievous.
  • In season 2, Shifty was drawn with a shadow under his fedora, over his eyes. He didn't have this in the first season and it disappeared in the TV series onward.
    MilkZ (14)

    Shifty with a shadow under his fedora.

  • The two were possibly made green to match the color of dollar bills.
  • In earlier episodes, when Lifty or Shifty were killed, their tails would turn spiky and rough to emulate shock.
  • Lifty & Shifty are the only characters who have triangle-shaped ears.
  • Shifty was technically the first Happy Tree Friends character created, drawn by Rhode Montijo. However, his original design was vastly different than the one seen in the series, such as how he was originally a squirrel. As such, Warren Graff still regards Cuddles as the first character to be created.
  • In Swelter Skelter their cheek fur appears to be pointing downward, probably to indicate how hot it is.

Episode Statistics

  • Shifty survives in only 5 out of the 34 episodes he appears in.
  • Shifty, Lifty, Lumpy, and Flippy are the only characters to have starred in two consecutive episodes of the TV series (Sea What I Found and Easy For You To Sleigh).
  • In the TV series, the only episodes that Lifty and Shifty do not appear in are "Seventh Heaven", "Behind the Eighth Ball", and "Ten Speed".
  • Shifty is one of the five characters who have not yet got a season 3-4 featuring pop-up. The others are Disco Bear, Lifty, Flippy and Splendid.
  • They both appear in all three episodes of "One Foot in the Grave" and "The Third Degree".
  • Shifty is one of the only characters to appear in both of the TV episodes where Lumpy doesn't appear, the other being Pop, Cub, and Lifty.
  • Lifty and Shifty star and appear in 11 episodes.
  • Lifty and Shifty are featuring characters in Doggone It and Junk in the Trunk, even though they should have had an appearance role in the former and a starring role in the latter.
  • Shifty and Lifty have co-starred with Lumpy (four times), Giggles, Flaky, Flippy, Sniffles, Handy, Russell and Splendid.
    • Like most characters, Shifty and Lifty co-star with Lumpy the most.
  • Despite being one of the least appearing of the 20 Happy Tree Friends main characters, he and Lifty had four starring roles in the TV series, the third most behind Lumpy and Sniffles.
  • Shifty is one of the few characters who starred in more than 3 TV episodes. The others are Lumpy (16), Sniffles (6), and Lifty (4).
  • He and Lifty appeared in thirteen out of the first eighteen TV episodes, but only in four of the last nineteen.
  • While he and Lifty rarely appear in the internet series, they appear in a majority of the TV episodes.
  • In the TV series, Pop and Cub appeared in all four of their starring roles. Pop died in only two of their episodes while Cub died in all of them.
  • Lifty and Shifty only appeared twice in Internet Season 3.
  • He along with Giggles, The Mole, Disco Bear, Russell, Lifty, Sniffles, Cro-Marmot, Lammy, and Mr. Pickels don't appear in any of the Still Alive episodes.

Kills and Deaths

  • In every episode where Lifty and Shifty die, at least one other character also dies in that episode (Handy in Wheelin' and Dealin', Lumpy in Milkin' It, and Nutty in Swelter Skelter), with the exception of Meat Me for Lunch, in which only the two of them die and no one else.
  • He and Lifty are the only characters who have not yet survived a single internet episode.
  • Shifty, Lifty, and Cuddles die in the first and last episodes of the TV series.
  • Shifty has a wide range of deaths, involving machines/vehicles, being mashed together or sliced apart, impalement, or some form of heat.
  • He is the only character to die in every episode he starred in.
  • Similar to The Mole (Debatable), Lifty, Cro-Marmot, Splendid, Lammy and Mr. Pickels, every episode Shifty dies in has a survival rate of 50% or less, meaning he never died in an episode with more survivors than dead.
  • The only characters who haven't killed Shifty are Cuddles, Cub, Disco Bear, Russell, Mime, Lammy, and Mr. Pickels.
  • Out of the characters who rarely survive, Shifty is the only character to kill at least one character in every season he appears in.
  • If one does not count irregular episodes, Shifty, Lifty and Cuddles would be the only characters to die all their regular starring roles.
  • Despite being a character who rarely survives, he only dies first in one episode, Meat Me for Lunch (he is also the first zombified character to die in Remains to be Seen). On the opposite end of the scale, he dies last in Milkin' ItSwelter Skelter, and Buns of Steal.
    • Shifty and Russell are the only characters who rarely survive whose number of times they die last exceeds the number of times they die first, with both only having a single episode in which they die first (disregarding Lifty, who was never the first to die in an episode).
  • Shifty, LiftyCuddles, Toothy, and Flaky are the only characters to be killed by both sides of Flippy.
  • Shifty is the fifth character to die in the TV series, the tenth or eleventh in the Internet series, and the eleventh in the shorts.
  • The only characters Shifty has killed without Lifty (not counting the many times Shifty has killed Lifty) are Lumpy and Nutty.
  • The only characters Shifty posthumously killed are Lumpy (Doggone It), Petunia (As You Wish), Russell (Who's to Flame?), and Lifty (Sea What I Found and Meat Me for Lunch).
  • The only episodes where Shifty's deaths aren't caused by other characters are Wheelin' and Dealin', Meat Me for LunchMilkin' ItDon't Yank My ChainDoggone ItSea What I FoundSwelter Skelter, and Cheesy Does It.
  • Shifty is one of the few characters to die in every episode they kill another character in. The others are ToothyPetuniaHandy, and Lifty.
  • Shifty has the lowest and worst survival rate out of all of the characters in the show.
    • He also has the worst survival rate out of all the green characters.
    • His death rate is 85.29%, which is the highest death rate of all characters in the show.
  • Shifty only survives 5 out of the 34 episodes he appears in (which is the lowest amount of episodes any male character has survived). If he survived his debatable death he would have survived 6 episodes.
  • Shifty is one of the three characters to have a survival rate lower than 20%, the other being Lifty and Handy.
  • Without his Class Act kills, his kill count would drop from 62 to 24.
  • The only five instances of Lifty dying before Shifty are Milkin' ItWho's to Flame?, Wrath of ConSwelter Skelter, and Buns of Steal.
  • Even though Lifty and Shifty are always seen together, Shifty has a higher kill count (a total of three kills more than Lifty).
  • There has only been one episode (Cheesy Does It) in which one of the raccoon twins dies while the other survives. They usually either die or survive together (although sometimes they suffer different deaths). However, in the comics, there is a particular one called Bank on it! where Lifty accidently kills Shifty and survives.
  • Shifty is the first character to posthumously kill another character.
  • He and Lifty do not always die the same deaths, and they do not always die at the same time. Junk in the Trunk and Buns of Steal featured the some instances where they did not die at the same time or one right after the other, while Cheesy Does It marks the only episode where one survives but the other gets killed (in this case Shifty gets killed while Lifty is left unharmed).
  • Shifty's most frequent victim is his twin brother Lifty.
  • The first character to kill Lifty and Shifty at the same time is Flaky (indirectly) with the sharks in Happy Trails Pt. 2: Jumping the Shark.
  • He has more injuries than Lifty.
  • Out of the characters who rarely survive, Shifty is one of the few who have never been the only death of an episode (in an episode featuring 3 or more characters). The others are Russell and Lifty.


  • The only other character to sport his and Lifty's grin has been Disco Bear, as seen in Easy Comb, Easy Go.
  • Shifty is one of seven characters not to have the same kind of eyes as the other characters. The other six characters are Lumpy, Nutty, Cub, Lifty, The Mole, and Mr. Pickels.
  • Lifty and Shifty are two of six green characters. The other four are Nutty, Cro-Marmot, Flippy, and Mr. Pickels.
  • He is one of the few characters who have made Flippy flip out. The others are Cuddles, Lumpy (thrice), Nutty (twice), Lifty, The Mole (twice), Flaky, and Mime.
  • Shifty is one of the few characters who are disliked by both sides of Flippy. The others are Mime and Lifty.
  • Shifty wears a hat, along with Pop, Russell, Handy, Flippy and Cub.
  • Because of a goof in the opening credits of As You Wish, Lifty and Shifty are two of the three characters to have only have their names and not "starring" or "and" in the first season of the TV series, the other being The Mole.