Happy Tree Friends Wiki
A photo of the episode. Wait a minute... What's this?

This is not an official Mondo Media content, but content made by a fan, that is endorsed by Mondo Media and featured in their media.


Santa Kringle is a fan-made installment of the HTF Kringles series. It was created by Nicolas (Nicky) Salenc, and was uploaded onto the official Mondo Media YouTube channel.

HTF Episode Description[]

Santa and his elves get ready for Christmas, let's hope they don't get too tangled up in work!


Cro-Marmot is initially shown in a snowy field with a few trees and a snowman in the background. After a moment, the camera the zooms out, revealing that the prior scene actually took place inside an unfinished snow globe, which is shown being transported on a conveyor belt. Once it begins moving, various workers who wear elf hats start assembling the toy, with Petunia sprinkling the snow, Cuddles adding the outside glass, Handy getting frustrated (obviously due to his lack of hands), and Giggles placing a red bow atop the snow globe, finishing it's creation. Following this, Pop, who reprises his role as Santa Claus, arrives and inspects the completed work, appearing astonished and proud of the others' craftsmanship. However, he stands too close to the conveyor, which results in his beard caught in the mechanism. He tries to pull it out, but the force of the belt is too strong, ripping it off along with the lower portion of his face, splattering some blood on Giggles.


"Don't get ripped off this season!"


  • Pop possibly dies from blood loss. (Debatable and off-screen)


  • Pop gets his beard stuck to the conveyor belt, which ends up ripping off the lower half of his face.


  • IMG 4871

    Look at the splatter that's closest to Pop's feet.

    Cro-Marmot isn't in his original form.
    • This might just be Nicky’s way of designing him.
  • Pop's blood is layered in front of the conveyor belt.

Survival Rate[]

  • Amount of surviving main characters: 4 (5 including Debatable deaths)
  • Amount of dead main characters: 1 (0 including Debatable deaths)
  • Total Rate: 100%