Petunia making breakfast for her friends.
This article focuses on Petunia's relationships with every other main character of Happy Tree Friends.
Being a social person, Petunia seems to be friends with many of the show's characters. However, due to her OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), she can sometimes be easily bothered and frustrated by messiness on some characters' part.
Despite them both having appeared in many episodes, they have never directly interacted. They are only seen in big groups with other characters as seen in From A to Zoo, Kringle Feast, I Get a Trick Out of You, The Wrong Side of the Tracks, Take a Hike, and Home Is Where the Hurt Is. The most that could be said is that she served Cuddles burgers and fries in Flippin' Burgers, which technically means that she and Cuddles are on good terms. However, she was annoyed by the mischief he helped start in Camp Pokeneyeout.
- Main article: Petunia-Giggles Relationship
Giggles is Petunia's best friend in the show. They are seen doing many things together, including tea parties, lunch, and simply hanging out.
Petunia appears to be friends with Toothy. Their main interaction would be in From Hero to Eternity, in which the two were shown building a snowman. They also played a game with Flippy and Flaky in Hide and Seek, and they've been on trips with Lumpy. She is also seen playing on the seesaw with Toothy in one of the TV Series intro pop-ups. However, in Camp Pokeneyeout, Petunia was annoyed when grapes burst onto her face thanks to chaos in which Toothy had a role.
Lumpy has been shown to be friends with Petunia. In You're Bakin' Me Crazy, Petunia invited Lumpy to her birthday. In Pitchin' Impossible, Petunia plays a ball toss game operated by Lumpy. In Happy Trails Pt. 1, when Petunia warns Lumpy about the cliff on the road, they both hug and scream. In Home Is Where the Hurt Is, Petunia trusts Lumpy enough to put together pipes for Giggles' house. In Wipe Out! she swoons over him. She also goes on trips supervised by Lumpy in Take a Hike and From A to Zoo. In Wishy Washy, Petunia trusts Lumpy to help her unclog her toilet, though she keeps getting nervous from the mess he is making. On a negative note, Lumpy as a giant keeps Petunia captive in Dunce Upon a Time.
- Main article: Handy-Petunia Relationship
Handy and Petunia have had some romantic experiences throughout the series. They fall in love in I Nub You and go on a date in My Better Half. Handy also built a tree house for Petunia in their debut.
Nutty has had very few interactions with Petunia. The first of these was in Take a Hike, where, after they got lost and thirsty, Nutty became annoyed at her moaning (this being one of the few times Nutty is the annoyed one, rather than causing annoyance to others).
In the False Alarm episode, Nutty killed Petunia through an accidental hit-and-run, and he's shocked until he gets distracted playing Tetris with her intestines.
Both characters sat together at the theaters in Happy New Year.
It can be assumed that Sniffles and Petunia are friends. They go on many trips together (From A to Zoo, Take a Hike, and Camp Pokeneyeout.) Petunia is clearly horrified to witness Sniffles drowning in Mime to Five. She also tends to Sniffles as a nurse in Dream Job. On the other hand, like Toothy and Cuddles, Sniffles played a part in the events that ended up annoying her in Camp Pokeneyeout.

"Want a cookie?"
Petunia's main interaction with Pop occurred in Read 'em and Weep. As a Girl Scout, Petunia offered some cookies to Pop, but then she was attacked and killed by The Demon. She also admired his Christmas lights in Stealing the Spotlight.
Not counting the interactions with Pop, the only time Petunia and Cub interact is Cubtron Z, in which Cub (or rather, Cubtron) killed her and two others (Cuddles and Giggles) by using their bodies like crayons. Petunia and Cub were both also supposed to eat a Christmas dinner in Kringle Feast.
Flaky and Petunia seem to be on good terms. They have played Hide and Seek with Flippy and Toothy, visited Lammy for a game of poker in Royal Flush, sat in the same cart on a roller coaster in Double Whammy Part I, and gone on trips together in two episodes.
The only instance of the two not having an entirely friendly relationship is in Wingin' It, when Petunia gives Flaky a somewhat annoyed expression when she takes too long to leave the airplane's restroom.
The Mole[]

Petunia with The Mole.
Petunia's only main interaction with The Mole occurs in Pitchin' Impossible, where she seems confused as to why The Mole would want to play the milk bottle toss game. They later both appear in large groups of characters in I Get a Trick Out of You, Remains to be Seen, and Home Is Where the Hurt Is.
Disco Bear[]
- Main Arcticle: Disco Bear-Petunia Relationship
Much like Giggles, Petunia is shown to dislike Disco Bear, perhaps even to a greater extent. Despite this, Disco Bear was somehow able to get Petunia to go on a date with him in Blind Date, though she clearly regretted this.
On a positive note, Petunia was concerned for Disco Bear when he suffered a heart attack in A Change of Heart.
Lifty and Shifty[]

Petunia and Giggles tied up by the twins.
Like most characters, Petunia dislikes Lifty and Shifty. The twins held her and Giggles hostage while taking over their lemonade stand in Gems the Breaks. Despite this, she was going to eat dinner with the duo in Kringle Feast and go trick or treating with them in Remains to be Seen.
Main Article: Petunia-Mime Relationship
Petunia and Mime may have a crush on each other, as shown in I Heart U. In Easy Comb, Easy Go, Petunia and Giggles both admire Mime with his new wig. A possibility for a relationship of some sort in Who's to Flame?, in which Petunia has Mime and Giggles over for breakfast.
In Wipe Out!, Petunia and Giggles get a crush on him.
Flippy and Petunia are shown to be friends, even though they rarely interact. In Hide and Seek, they are shown playing hide-and-go-seek, along with Toothy and Flaky. In Flippin' Burgers, Flippy may like the food at the restaurant where Petunia works, if it wasn't his first time there. However, she is not present at Flippy's birthday party in Party Animal, which means they are not that close. Just like every other character, she fears Flippy's evil persona.
Splendid has tried to rescue Petunia on several occasions, all with unsuccessful results. She may be a fan of his, as Wrath of Con may suggest. In that episode, she and Giggles were pleased when Splendid recharges Giggles' light saber. In Just Be Claus, they interact again when Splendid bursts into her house as Santa. Petunia has a her hand crushed by Splendid as he turns the coal set in her ring into a diamond. She doesn't seem to mind the injury as she is happy with her gift.
Petunia was the first character to meet Lammy in A Bit of a Pickle. They set up a tea party, but a little conflict did arise when Petunia suspects Lammy ripped the head off her teddy bear. Lammy later invited Petunia and Giggles to her house for lunch and poker in Royal Flush.
Mr. Pickels[]

Looks like Petunia's in a "pickle".
While Petunia has never faced or noticed the pickle, Mr. Pickels appears to dislike Petunia, as he does with every character apart from Lammy.
- Russell is the only character Petunia has yet to interact with.
- She also has yet to have an on-screen interaction with Cuddles.
- Despite the two not interacting, she and Russell have several things in common:
- They are both blue.
- They have human names.
- They have mental disorders.
- Their species are unique to the show.
- They have more deaths than kills.
- They rarely survive.
- They both have episodes that have them complete their goal after witnessing Lumpy's death, only to get themselves killed (Petunia: Getting clean in Wishy Washy, Russell: Getting out of The Whale in Get Whale Soon).
- Also despite not interacting with each other as often, she and Sniffles also have several things in common:
- They are both blue.
- They both rarely survive.
- They are both the most recurring non-primary characters.
- Both have traits that were prominently large but soon gradually gotten smaller (Sniffles: his trunk, Petunia: her tail).
- Both of their deaths are considered the most graphic and torturous.
- Ironically after that fact, they are the first characters to suffer a blood-free death.
- Lumpy has interfered with both of their plans (Sniffles catching the ants in Tongue in Cheek and Petunia getting clean in Wishy Washy).