Happy Tree Friends Wiki
Happy Tree Friends Wiki

Blurb video was released on July 8, 2014.


  • BlurB!
  • Oh no, the reception is messed up!
  • Oh no, it's so messed up it's turned into a 1950's B Horror movie!
  • It's presented in Scream-O-Tastic? I think I need to upgrade my PC for that
  • Fun Fact: Beavers are nature's paper-boys
  • Man, Lumpy is dumb. Everybody knows print media is dead
  • Maybe that's why this is a horror movie. Print media comes back to life and kills us all NOOOOOOO!!
  • Wow! I didn't know newspapers could do that!
  • Lumpy always ends up chopping off his leg when he chops wood. Just wait and see
  • Fun Fact: Asteroids was a game in the 80's
  • Not a joke, I just liked that game.
  • Asteroid Fact: I'm pretty sure that's not what normal asteroids do
  • Nothing but net! ask your parents about this reference
  • I'm totally shocked that Lumpy picked up the glowing green seed that fell from space
  • It's so unlike him to do something stupid
  • Just in case you didn't pick up on it, that last blurb was "sarcastic"
  • Gardening. It's only dangerous when Lumpy does it
  • See!
  • "Two Lumpys are better than one." said nobody ever
  • Fun Fact: This is probably what I would do if I had a clone.
  • Make him do all the work
  • Art Note: This chair is rendered in 3D
  • and then re-rendered in Flash
  • then back in 3D, and finally with Play Doh
  • to give it that 2D look
  • I was ALMOST right. Lumpy's CLONE cut off his leg
  • it would have been Lumpy if he was still doing it
  • Gross
  • yet cool!
  • "Three Lumpys are better than one." - Albert Einstein
  • Einstein doesn't seem so smart now, does he?
  • We should have called this episode "Chopping Wood: The Story of Chopping Wood."
  • Art Note CORRECTION: That chair was just drawn like everything else. My mistake
  • That seems extreme, but I'm sure Lumpy knows what he's doing
  • See, I told you. The only way to make good lemonade is to have a mutant alien clone do it
  • Real Talk: Lumpy loves these clones like his own children.
  • This episode is based on the scientific theory that aliens will come to earth and do our chores
  • I'm being told that's not a real theory
  • If you look carefully, there are subtle clues that Lumpy is abusing his power over these things
  • If that clone wasn't there, Sniffles would have walked into the wall. Where was he going?
  • This is alien for: "Watch where you're going, idiot!"
  • source: Google Translate
  • HTF Fact: Petunia lives alone...we think
  • A hammer and a mailbox are sometimes used by surgeons to amputate limbs because the cuts are so clean
  • I'm being told that's not true. Surgeons actually use sharp knives and saws
  • Which makes more sense.
  • Eye see what he did there
  • DELETED SCENE ALERT: We cut out a scene where Cuddles killed that clone's brother. The brother was a janitor, hence the mop
  • The scene still works
  • Most people fill up their plane with poison BEFORE they take off
  • but you don't have to
  • Fun Fact: Chopping beavers is a lot like chopping wood
  • Just kidding! Please don't chop any beavers!
  • Crop dusting is also a term to describe when somebody farts while walking through a room.
  • Admit it, you laughed at the word "fart"
  • I laughed writing it.
  • This is what it's like when I crop dust...hehe.
  •  Fun Fact: A beaver's natural defense is to spit up it's guts and run away
  • Fun Fact CORRECTION: I'm being told I'm thinking of a sea cucumber
  • Beavers die when they do this.
  • Alien space clones need anywhere from 5 to 10 seconds of sleep to be well rested
  • See, print media is causing more harm than good
  • Animation Fact: We only had one green Lumpy model so we filmed it in front of a green screen several times
  • That totally didn't work so Kenn drew more 
  • Lumpy is so GREEN that he drives a hybrid
  • Eye saw that!
  • Old style credits are dead!
  • They're like the newspaper of the credits

