- As of December 2021, with over 26,600,000 views, this is the most-viewed episode of Season 1.
- This is the first episode where Nutty has a starring role and does not die. This would later be the case again in the False Alarm episode and Bite Sized. This is also the only one of Nutty's regular starring roles that he survives (If counting both parts of A Sucker for Love as one episode).
- This is the only regular episode to date that Toothy has starred in and survived.
- This is the first episode where Nutty receives a jaw injury. This would later happen again in Chew Said a Mouthful and Bite Sized.
- This is the first episode (and the only episode of the first season of the Internet series) in which both Toothy and Nutty survive.
- This is one of the few episodes where none of the characters die.
- This episode makes Nutty the ninth character to come back to life for another episode.
- This is the first episode with 3 surviving main characters.
- This is one of the few episodes where Lumpy's antlers do not change directions (as he only appears in one shot).
- This is the only episode that Nutty stars in that does not revolve around his love for sweets.
- The title of this episode references the name of the two starring characters: Nutty (Nuttin') and Toothy (Tooth).
- This is the episode where Toothy speaks clear English the most.
- There are no female characters in this episode.
- A Blurb was released on April 4, 2012 in HD. This is the second Blurb of a Season 1 episode, yet the only one in HD. The other was Spin Fun Knowin' Ya. However, unlike other Blurbs, this has a special HD version that has added to the sides rather than just zooming in. The binary code shown with the video's info reads: "The brand new Happy Tree Friends episode, Royal Flush, will be out at the end of April!".
- This is one of the many episodes to have a Blurb.
- The former YouTube thumbnail for the Blurb spoiled the ending, as well as Nutty's injury.
- This episode was banned in Russia on YouTube.
- This is one of the five Season 1 episodes to have a moral that has anything to do with the episode, instead of just a random piece of advice like "Read a book" or "Eat your veggies!". The others are Water You Wading For, Wheelin' and Dealin', Mime and Mime Again, and Sweet Ride.
- Nutty's injury is similar to one of his jaw injuries in Chew Said a Mouthful. However, only his bottom jaw is torn off here.
- Nutty's injury is similar to that of Jimmy Millican's death in 1000 Ways to die segments, "Jaw Boned".
Production Notes[]
- There were three endings planned for this episode that were drawn up on the storyboard. Only the third drawn ending (the string ending) was used for the final episode, however. These alternate endings include:
- The first ending (the carjack ending) involved Toothy using a car jack in Nutty's mouth, tearing off the top part of Nutty's head and killing him, Toothy would then go back to reading his dentistry instruction book confused, that would then be revealed to actually be a instruction book on how to fix cars.
- The second ending (the golf ending) involved Toothy getting into Nutty's mouth and hitting his teeth out of his mouth using a golf club (also tearing off part of his lower jaw) whereupon the decayed tooth lands in a golf hole.