Happy Tree Friends Wiki

Nuttin’ But the Tooth is an episode of the Happy Tree Friends internet series, the thirteenth of the first season.

HTF Episode Description[]

Happy Tree Friends website (pre-Atom)[]

Tooth decay is slowing Nutty down...but not for long says Toothy![1]

Happy Tree Friends website (post-Atom)[]

Did Toothy go to dental school or is he just learning as he goes? Nutty's candy cravings lead to a rotten tooth, and it's Toothy to the rescue. Lumpy makes a brief appearance, just in time to save the day![2]


Nutty is a patient of Toothy the dentist after having shuffled so many sweets into his mouth. He is nervous but doesn't seem to mind that Toothy is reading a dentistry instruction book before performing (as well as during) Nutty's checkup, before ensuring Nutty that the operation will go smoothly. As Nutty's mouth opens wide, Toothy comes across a discolored, rotten tooth that needs to be removed.

After poking the rotten tooth several times with a probe and improperly injecting novocaine into Nutty's mouth, Toothy tries to drill out the tooth. When he is drilling, the drill's battery goes dead, much to his disappointment. However, he soon finds another battery and he attempts several times to put it in the drill. Unfortunately, he only succeeds in drilling a hole in the back of Nutty's throat and through the headrest of the chair. Next, he tries the old-fashioned method by tying one end of a string around Nutty's tooth, and the other end to a doorknob. He rings a doorbell on a trailer, and Lumpy answers the door, causing Nutty's jaw to get ripped out from his head. The rotten tooth is one of only a few teeth that aren't torn out due to this attempt. Before the episode ends, however, the rotten tooth falls out on its own, finally completing the operation.


"Brush after every meal!"


  1. Toothy jams a syringe through Nutty's cheek.
  2. Toothy drills a hole through the back of Nutty's head.
  3. Nutty's jaw and most of his teeth are torn out by Toothy's door trick.

Survival Rate[]

  • Amount of surviving main characters: 3
  • Amount of dead main characters: 0
  • Total rate: 100%


  • The chair headrest is impaled by Toothy's drill.


  1. S1E13 Nuttynojaw

    Did Toothy mess up his head marking as well?

    When Toothy is walking up to Nutty with the book in his hands, his right eye can be seen looking at the viewer for a split second.
  2. Throughout the episode, Toothy has no visible philtrum, as his nose doesn't appear to be connected to anything.
  3. In one frame Toothy's eye clips through his head mirror and his mask doesn't seem to be on properly.
  4. Nutty's philtrum disappears when he opens wide and doesn't appear again until his jaw is ripped out.
  5. In the Remastered version, Toothy has two right ears when he asks Nutty to open his mouth.
  6. The blood in this episode is colored incorrectly.
  7. When Toothy uses his angry eye assets while drilling Nutty's mouth, his pupils are facing outward.
  8. When Nutty is shown from the back (especially at the shot where Toothy brings out the drill), his head marking isn't visible and his candy apple is missing.
  9. When Toothy drills a hole through the back of Nutty's head, Nutty's throat should've been filled with blood which would eventually drown him.
  10. Toothy places the string on Nutty's rotten tooth, yet his other teeth and jaw, which are not touching the string, get pulled out.
  11. When Toothy is using the drill, he accidentally drills a hole in the headrest on the chair. However, at the end of the episode, the hole on the headrest is gone.
  12. In the final shots of the episode, Nutty's head marking doesn't go all the way to his nose like it normally does.
  13. When the Blurb brings up Justin Bieber, his last name is misspelt as "Beiber".

Quick Shot Moment[]


When Toothy is seen reading his dentistry book just before bringing out the drill, there is a brief shot of Nutty with his jaw destroyed. This spoils the ending as well as Nutty’s injury.

Note: This was fixed in the Blurb version and in the Classics Remastered version.

