In the very early episodes, all characters (excluding Lumpy, Pop, The Mole, Disco Bear, and Cro-Marmot) were depicted as children. But as the series progressed, the age did not matter, and the characters started to act like teenagers or adults depending on the episode.
Happy Tree Friends mimics the real world in a couple of ways, one of which being that the characters have jobs/occupations. This page covers these occupations along with other roles that wouldn't really count as a job, such as Lumpy playing a giant in Dunce Upon a Time. What is demonstrated here is the sheer number of jobs in the 100+ episodes of Happy Tree Friends, also making it possible to see who gets what types of occupations where it is noticeable.
- Farmer - Don't Yank My Chain
- Carol Singer - Kringle Carols; Deck the Halls; We Wish You; Oh Xmas Tree
- Firefighter - Who's to Flame
- Soccer Player - A Change of Heart
- Christmas Play Actor - Class Act
- Student - Happy Trails; From A to Zoo; Gems The Breaks; Cubtron Z
- Daredevil - Mime to Five
- Journalist - See What Develops
- Delivery Boy - Aw, Shucks!
- Replacement Lead Guitarist/Rock Musician - In a Jam
- Swimmer - By The Seat Of Your Pants
- Easter Bunny - Just Be Claus
- Carol Singer - Kringle Carols; Deck the Halls; We Wish You; Oh Xmas Tree
- Lemonade Stand Owner - Eyes Cold Lemonade; Gems the Breaks; Milk Pong
- Nurse - Change of Heart; Chew Said a Mouthful
- Receptionist - Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow
- Girl Scout - You’re Baking Me Crazy
- Waitress - Concrete Solution
- Environmentalist Leader - Every Litter Bit Hurts
- Christmas Play Actress - Class Act
- Genie - As You Wish
- Explorer - Idol Curiosity
- Student - Something Fishy; Happy Trails; From A to Zoo; Cubtron Z
- Swimmer- By The Seat Of Your Pants
- Masseuse - Dream Job (Not real)
- Carol Singer - Kringle Carols; Deck The Halls; We Wish You; Oh Xmas Tree
- Amateur Dentist - Nuttin' But the Tooth
- Christmas Play Actor/Lead Role - Class Act
- Firefighter - Who's to Flame?
- Circus Assistant - Mime to Five
- Film Developer - See What Develops
- Delivery Boy - Aw, Shucks!
- Mailman - Easy Comb, Easy Go
- Garage/Yard Salesman - Read 'em and Weep
- Toymaker - We're Scrooged!
- Paperboy - Peas in a Pod
- Office Worker - See You Later Elevator
- Student - Something Fishy; Happy Trails; From A to Zoo; Cubtron; Gems The Breaks
- Ambulance Driver - All In Vein
- Lumpy has many careers in Happy Tree Friends; a more in-depth review is covered in List of Lumpy's occupations
- Racer- Wheelin' and Dealin'
- Carny – Pitchin' Impossible
- Butcher – Meat Me For Lunch
- Fisherman - Off the Hook; Sea What I Found
- Bus Driver – Happy Trails; From A to Zoo
- Skating Rink Worker – Rink Hijinks
- Farmer – Milkin' It; Aw, Shucks!; Peas in a Pod
- School Play Director – Class Act
- Magician – I Get a Trick Out of You; Lumpy's Lame Card Trick
- Lumberjack – Out on a Limb; Tree Kringle
- Convenience Store Clerk – Icy You
- Grave Digger – Remains to be Seen; Can't Stop Coffin
- Teacher - From A to Zoo; Something Fishy
- Ski Patroller – Ski Patrol
- Tightrope Artist – Tightrope-A-Dope
- Amusement Park Owner – The Wrong Side of the Tracks
- Truck Driver – From Hero to Eternity; Without A Hitch
- Physician/Doctor - Party Animal; Blood Donor
- Sheriff/Police Officer – Don't Yank My Chain; A Bit of a Pickle; A Vicious Cycle
- Animal Control – Doggone It
- Construction Worker – Concrete Solution
- Seaman – Sea What I Found
- Plumber – Wishy Washy; Too Much Scream Time
- Firefighter – Who's to Flame?; See You Later, Elevator
- Sanitation Engineer – Every Litter Bit Hurts
- Genie – As You Wish
- Scoutmaster – Take a Hike
- Ringmaster – Mime to Five
- Orthodontist/Surgeon – A Change of Heart (heart); Chew Said a Mouthful; I Nub You
- Golfer - Chew Said a Mouthful; Tongue in Cheek
- Newspaper Editor – See What Develops
- Lookout - Idol Curiosity
- Optometrist – A Sight For Sore Eyes
- Surfer – Wipe Out!
- Mailman – Letter Late Than Never
- Backup Guitarist – In a Jam
- Psychiatrist – Double Whammy (Parts I and II)
- Priest/Exorcist – Read 'em and Weep
- Toy Store Manager - We're Scrooged!
- Milkman - A Sucker for Love, Pt. Two (In Nutty's imagination only)
- Carol Singer - Kringle Carols; Deck the Halls; We Wish You; Oh Xmas Tree
- Street Sweeper - Cubtron Z
- Motion Picture Projectionist - Happy New Year
- Demolitionist - All work and No Play
- Doughnut Shop Worker - The Chokes On You
- Daredevil/Stunt performer - Brake the Cycle
- News Reporter - Breaking Wind
- Santa Claus - No Time Like the Present; Just Be Claus
- Swimmer - By The Seat of Your Pants
- Lifeguard - You're Kraken Me Up
- Gas Station Worker - Spare Tire
- Camp Counselor - Camp Pokeneyeout
- Janitor - Dream Job
- Fertilizer Delivery Truck Driver - An Inconvenient Tooth
- Delivery man - Still alive promotional pack
- Car Mechanic - TV select screen
- Skier - Ski Kringle
- Fry Cook - Flippin' Burgers
- Lemonade Stand Co-Owner - Eyes Cold Lemonade; Gems The Breaks; Milk Pong
- Lighting Store Owner - As You Wish!
- Gold-Spinner Slave Princess - Dunce Upon a Time
- Waitress - A Change of Heart
- Fairground Kiosk Owner - Aw, Shucks!
- Girl Scout - Read 'em and Weep
- Papergirl - False Alarm Episode
- Student - Something Fishy, Happy Trails; From A to Zoo; Cubtron Z
- Nurse - Dream Job
- Architect/Builder - House Warming; Home Is Where the Hurt Is
- Race Car Driver - Wheelin' and Dealin'
- Auto Repairman - The Way You Make Me Wheel; Blind Date
- Construction Worker - Concrete Solution
- Emergency Rescue Squad Member - Who's to Flame?; Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow
- Underground construction worker - A Hole Lotta Love
- Banner Setter-upper - See What Develops
- Driving Instructor - Easy Comb, Easy Go
- Drummer - In a Jam
- Lumberjack - Milk Pong
- Road-Line Painter - A Bit of a Pickle
- Babysitter - A Handy Nanny
- Train Track Construction Worker - Happy Train Friends
- Christmas play actor - Class Act
- Grocer - See What Develops
- Auditioning Musician - In a Jam
- Student - Something Fishy
- Park Lawn Mower - A Sight for Sore Eyes
- Scientist/Inventor - Happy Trails Part 2: Jumping the Shark, Suck it Up, Blast From the Past, A Hole Lotta Love, Tongue in Cheek, I've Got You Under My Skin, A Sight for Sore Eyes, Pet Peeve, Dream Job
- Fitness Assistant - Ipso Fatso
- Physician - Concrete Solution; Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow
- Environmental Volunteer - Every Litter Bit Hurts
- Newspaper Camera Repairman - See What Develops
- Lead Explorer - Idol Curiosity
- Plant Breeder - Aw, Shucks!
- Christmas Play Actor - Class Act
- Pilot - Blast From The Past, Wingin' It
- Cotton Candy Vendor - Easy Comb, Easy Go
- Music Background Maintenance Worker - In a Jam
- Rehab Worker - False Alarm Episode
- Mailman - Peas in a Pod
- Student - Aw, Shucks! (in one of Lumpy's pictures), Something Fishy, Happy Trails; From A to Zoo; Gem The Breaks
- Student/School Play actor - Something Fishy
- Doctor - Spare Tire
- Baker - Dream Job (Not real)
- Recruit - Dream Job (Not real)
- Full-time Father - Almost every regular episode he has starred, featured, or appeared in.
- Environmental Volunteer- Every Litter Bits Hurts
- Mall Santa - Clause For Concern
- Unknown Office Worker- Bottled Up Inside
- Roboticist - Cubtron Z
- Bowler- A Handy Nanny
Cub, being a baby, is currently one of two characters not to have an occupation.
- Soccer Goalie - A Change of Heart
- Trapeze Artist - Mime to Five
- Grocer - See What Develops
- Explorer - Idol Curiosity
- Water Dunk Game Victim - Aw, Shucks!
- Student Driver - Easy Comb, Easy Go'
- Christmas Play Special Effects Helper - Class Act
- Student - Something Fishy; Happy Trails; From A to Zoo
The Mole[]
- Main article: List of The Mole's Occupations
- Student - Happy Trails
- Secret Agent/Spy - Mole in the City
- Street cleaner - From Hero to Eternity
- Construction Worker - Concrete Solution
- Firefighter - Who's to Flame?
- Environmental Volunteer - Every Litter Bit Hurts
- Hotdog Vendor - Chew Said a Mouthful
- Newspaper Photographer - See What Develops
- Ship Captain - Idol Curiosity
- Christmas Play Light Effects Helper - Class Act
- Surf Shack Owner - Wipe Out!
- Airport Security - Wingin' It
- Barber - Easy Comb, Easy Go
- Blood Drive Worker - In a Jam
- Ice Cream Vendor - The Carpal Tunnel of Love
- Donation Collector - We're Scrooged!
- Physician - A Sucker for Love
- Street Musician - Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow
- Music Store Owner - Double Whammy Part II
- Security Guard - Wrath of Con
- Lumberjack - Milk Pong
- Doughnut Shop Worker - The Chokes On You
- Delivery man - All in Vein, Buns of Steal
- Cameraman - Breaking Wind
- Race starter - By the Seat of Your Pants
- Truck driver - Buns of Steal
Disco Bear[]
- Dancer/Musician - Possibly prior to the series, as evidenced in Ipso Fatso and Easy Comb, Easy Go
- Firefighter - Who's to Flame?
- Grocer - See What Develops
- Policeman - A Vicious Cycle
- King - Dream Job (Not real)
- Pirate - Almost every regular episode he has starred, featured, or appeared in
- Fisherman - Whose Line Is It Anyway?; Sea What I Found; Put Your Back Into It
- Treasure Hunter - Sea What I Found
- Sanitation Engineer - Who's to Flame?
- Fast-Food Restaurant Owner - Mime to Five
- Ship Deck Swabber - Idol Curiosity
- Carnival Booth Operator - Aw, Shucks!; Double Whammy
- Bass Guitarist - In a Jam
- Fish Market Trucker - Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow
- Student/School Play Actor - Something Fishy
- Chef/Waiter - Put Your Back Into It
Lifty & Shifty[]
- Thieves - Almost every regular episode they have starred, featured, or appeared in.
- Race Car Drivers - Wheelin' and Dealin'
- Christmas Play Special Effects Helpers - Class Act
- Dog Breeders - Doggone It!
- Villains - Gems the Breaks
- Street Sellers - Easy Comb Easy Go; False Alarm Episode
- Mime Artist - Almost every regular episode he has starred, featured, or appeared in.
- Hospital Entertainer - Mime and Mime Again
- Street Performer - A Hole Lotta Love; See What Develops; Double Whammy Part I
- Fast Food Restaurant Employee - Mime to Five
- Lifeguard - Mime to Five
- Window Washer - Mime to Five
- Circus Animal Cleaner - Mime to Five
- Flight Attendant - Wingin' It
- Music Store Employee - In a Jam
- Student/School Play actor - Something Fishy; Happy Trails
- Crossing guard - Doggone It
- Ice Cream Trucker - Sweet Ride; Water Way to Go; Concrete Solution; A Hole Lotta Love; Wipe Out!; Milk Pong; Swelter Skelter
- Butcher - A Change of Heart
- Acrobat - Mime to Five
- Champion Surfer - Wipe Out!
- Auditioning Guitarist - In a Jam
- Comic-Con merchandise seller - Wrath of Con
- Veteran - Every regular episode he has starred, featured, or appeared in.
- Nuclear Waste Trucker - Remains to be Seen
- Carny - Double Whammy
- Soldier - W.A.R. Journal
- Librarian - Random Acts of Silence
- Unknown Criminal - A Vicious Cycle
- Executioner - Dream Job (Not real)
- Superhero - Every regular episode he has starred, featured, or appeared in; Splendid's SSSSSuper Squad
- Newspaper Journalist/Reporter - See What Develops
- Comic-Con Merchandise Seller/Star - Wrath of Con
- Santa Claus - Just Be Claus
- Easter Bunny - Just Be Claus
Because of her small number of appearances as a result of her rather late introduction, she has yet to get an occupation.
Mr. Pickels[]
- Lammy's (possibly) Imaginary Friend - Every regular episode he has starred, featured, or appeared in
- "Professional Video Bomber" (As stated in Truffles' Video Bomb Competition) - Every regular episode he has appeared in