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Images from the short Kringle Feast.
Note: All images are put in order.
Anyone else find a little odd that Cub is in a house filled with all of these other characters?
Cuddles, Toothy, and a pair of green legs. Kenn Navarro confimed that one leg belongs to Lifty, and the other one belongs to Shifty.
A possibly dead Petunia laying on the floor.
Lumpy having trouble with lighting up the Christmas goose.
Lumpy struggles with a lighter.
Lumpy's turkey is sure to be cooked!
Silent Night, Holy Night... All is calm, and...
Death: Everyone in the episode
A frame seen in calendar wallpaper for November 2005.
Episode imagery seen in the calendar for January 2007.
A close-up of Giggles, in a November 2007 calendar.