Happy Tree Friends Wiki

Happy Trails is an episode of the Happy Tree Friends internet series, the twenty-seventh and final episode of the first season.

HTF Episode Description[]

Happy Tree Friends Website (pre-Atom)[]

Is this really the end of the indestructible Happy Tree Friends?

Happy Tree Friends Website (post-Atom)[]

It's no surprise that trouble abounds on the school bus and Lumpy just can't pull it together to save the gang from harm. What happens to our lovable cast? Do they survive? Will they return? Our only cliffhanger episode leaves fans clamoring for more!


S1E27 Season Finale Title Card

The unique opening sequence used exclusively in this episode.

The Happy Tree Friends are riding in a school bus, and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. Drinking juice, sticking their heads out the windows and enjoying a snack of peanuts means everyone is having a great time. Cuddles in particular is having a blast, endearing a cheer as he embraces the breeze outside his window.

Lumpy is driving the bus, but he gets distracted by Petunia, who had too much juice and needs to use the bathroom. Lumpy orders her to sit back down. While he is doing so, the bus hits a bump in the road. This causes one of the bus's open windows to shut and Cuddles, who was leaning out the window, to get sliced in half, detaching his hands from his arms in the process. The bus hits another bump just as Mime tosses a peanut up into his mouth, causing him to choke. Mime fails to get a napping Sniffles' attention, so he tries waving to Lumpy for help.


The bus careening off the cliffside - leading to the events of Happy Trails Pt. 2: Jumping the Shark.

Not noticing that Mime is choking, Lumpy gets up from the driver's seat while the bus is still in motion and goes to reprimand Mime for causing a disturbance. As Mime suffocates, Petunia points out that the bus is headed for a curvy portion of the road with a cliff drop-off nearby. Lumpy and Petunia embrace each other in fear as Petunia urinates all over the floor in fright.

The bus runs over the Cursed Idol, which causes Petunia to lose her balance. She falls on and gets impaled by the gear lever of the bus. Lumpy tries to shift gears, but this causes the hole in Petunia's torso to expand. Lumpy cannot get the gearstick to move where he wants it, and as a result, the bus goes flying off a cliff, hitting two birds, flinging Toothy out the window, and leaving the rest of the students screaming in horror.

To be continued...


"Keep your promises!"


  • Cuddles is sliced in half by a collapsing window.
  • Mime chokes to death on a peanut.
  • Petunia is impaled on a gear lever, which is then driven through her torso by Lumpy. (Idol induced)
  • The bus runs into two birds before flying off the cliff. (Idol induced)
  • Toothy is ejected from the bus, presumably falling to his death. (Idol induced)
  • The Mole can be seen through the bus window at the very end, but he doesn't appear in Happy Trails Part 2, indicating he most likely did not survive the crash of the bus. (Idol induced)

Survival Rate[]

  • Amount of surviving main characters: 5
  • Amount of dead main characters: 5
  • Total rate: 50%


  1. Cuddles, Giggles, Toothy, and Petunia's philtrums disconnect from their noses several times when they are singing at the beginning. Petunia's philtrum continues to disappear and disconnect from her nose after she finishes her juice.
  2. The bus window's arch changes its position multiple times.
  3. The characters next to the windows change regularly.
  4. When Toothy giggles at the beginning of the episode, his voice pitch is somewhat higher than usual.
  5. Throughout the episode, Toothy's tail is nowhere to be seen.
  6. After Cuddles gets sliced in half, his slippers are not on his feet. Also, both his feet have pink paw pads when they are normally blank.
  7. Mime's cheeks are layered outside his face make-up during his death.
  8. When Mime chokes and his face turns violet, his ears, mouth, make-up and cheeks turn violet too.
    S1E27 Lumpy scolds Mime

    Make-up can't turn violet.

  9. At first, Sniffles' trunk is in front of his book, but when Lumpy yells at Mime, his trunk is behind the book (though it might have slipped behind the book).
  10. After Petunia points out the curving road, none of the regular Happy Tree Friends can be seen seated on the bus beside her and Lumpy. Instead, all of them are generic.
  11. Giggles, Toothy, Sniffles, and Mime are not seen when Petunia wets herself or when Lumpy kills Petunia. Instead of them, two Generic Tree Friends are shown at Toothy and Giggles' places.
  12. When Lumpy kills Petunia with the gear shift, her puddle of urine disappears.
  13. When Petunia falls on the gear lever, the strings on her air freshener necklace go through her arm and neck.
  14. Petunia's blood is a very dark shade of red.
  15. Handy, Flaky, and The Mole are not seen on the bus until the end of the episode, whereas Flippy is not seen until Happy Trails Pt. 2: Jumping the Shark. (Lifty and Shifty could have arrived on the island via their raft.)
  16. It's not known why Handy, The Mole, Flippy, Lifty, and Shifty are on the bus, to begin with since they are adult characters (though they may be official counselors or guardians).
  17. Lumpy's antlers change directions sometimes.
  18. In the credits, writer Paul Allan's name is misspelt as "Paul Allen". It was fixed in the classics remastered version.