The Blurb video of Eyes Cold Lemonade was uploaded on December 12, 2012.
- BlurB!
- Lemonade stands are the number one small business in America.
- Number 2... Starbucks!
- Rules for a successful business:
- Rule #1: Open your stand where nobody is.
- Rule #2: Drink all your inventory.
- Rule #3: Never cut off your finger.
- Well done Giggles!
- Rule #27: Straight nails work better than crooked nails.
- See! We told you!
- Rule #168: Avoid getting Lemonade in areas with no skin.
- See! We told you!
- See rule #27
- Rule #492: Hand squeezed lemonade is delicious!
- that's not a joke, we really love it!
- Rule #4: Using knives when you can't see is safe and fun!
- especially for those of us watching out of harm's way.
- Again, don't mess with Rule #27
- REAL FUN FACT: Kenn wasn't sure what the inside of an eyeball should look like so he Googled it.
- He was grossed out by what he found and stopped searching.
- In the end, he went with a grapefruit sort of look.
- See, we're not monsters!
- FUN FACT: Eye ball juice is delicious!
- but naturally bitter.
- so I like mine with sugar
- and a slice of grapefruit
- er, I mean, eyeball!
Template:Internet Season 2 Blurbs