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Images from the episode Cold Hearted.
Note: All images are put in order.
What happened to Cuddles?!
Giggles spending time with Cro-Marmot.
So Giggles is into older guys.
Cro-Marmot feels uncomfortable.
Giggles tries to kiss Cro-Marmot.
Cuddles was going to throw that snowball as an act of revenge, but he died and now Toothy's doing him the favor.
Revenge is a dish best served cold. Or thrown, in this case.
"AHHHH! My face is stuck!"
Now he's even more uncomfortable with those eyes staring at him.
We just don't see eye to eye anymore.
Now they're both blind, they make a nice couple... Just joking.
Hands up if you think Toothy threw it.
A frame from this episode used in the February 2008 calendar