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Images from the short Chore Loser.
Note: All images are put in order.
At such a young age, Cub is already an expert at the Gameboy!
I don't think you're supposed to tell infants to do work. Unless Cub is really older than he looks.
If only every kid was that happy to do their chores.
"Dang kids these days and their video games."
Pop gets back to his child roots.
I think you should focus on looking out the window.
Pop is really getting the hang of it.
Someone tell Flippy his dog got loose again!
Tetris has never looked so grotesque. Well, except for
that one time.
Death: Cub"Hey, little guy. How'd you get in here?"
Now it's your turn...
Death: Pop (debatable)
Pop holding two video game consoles as a goof.