This category displays all minor characters, characters in which that have appeared infrequently, usually only once, and/or have small roles in their appearance/appearances.
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- The Anglerfish
- The Baboon
- The Bloodhound
- The City Monster
- The Cobra
- The Dark Shadow Lord
- The Demon
- The Eagle
- The Electric Eel
- The Germs
- The Giant Crab
- The Giant Squid
- The Grizzly Bear
- The Interviewer
- The Narrator
- The Orca
- The Penguins
- The Rat
- The Rattlesnake
- The Reindeer
- The Rhino
- The Unicorn
- The Whale
- The Woodpecker
- Tiger General
- Tiger Soldiers
- Toothy's Tortoise
- Tricksy
- Truffles