The early versions of Lumpy (the dinosaur), Giggles (the squirrel), Cuddles (the rabbit), and Toothy (the beaver)
And this Lumpy plays the banjo.
Modern Lumpy prefers a cadaver.
How exactly is this guy Lumpy?
The banjo breaks!
Lumpy realizes what's going on...
...and doesn't feel so happy about it.
These kids should never laugh at Lumpy!
I warned you!
Saddening Lumpy.
Is he Flippy or Lumpy?
Probably Lumpy.
A second before Lumpy begins his rampage.
An era is about to begin, in 3...
The catastrophic, cataclysmic carnage that we all come to know and love has just begun! And you thought it was just an innocent children's cartoon because of the colorful animals. Death:Giggles
Lumpy's first kill and the first death in Happy Tree Friends.