A blurb video was released on August 1, 2013.
- BlurB!
- Lumpy is a vegetarian... except for when he eats meat.
- Fun Fact: Birds who live in trees fall out of trees more than Birds who don't live in trees.
- Also, birds who live under water tend to drown.
- The writers love jokes that go on for a long time.
- Like a really tall tree for example.
- Commence hilarity!
- Where does one get a baby bird carrier???
- Who designed this control panel? The Mole???
- No wonder everything goes wrong in this world. All the items they use make no sense!
- Creepy smile in... (countdown)
- 3
- 2
- 1
- Oh yeah, blood! This is Happy Tree Friends after all. Can't believe it took this long.
- Fun Fact: A moose has HUGE nasal passages... according to Kenn.
- Lumpy blew all those balloons up himself...he was probably able to because of his huge nasal passages.
- All these balloons lifting an individual "UP" reminds us of something...
- Oh, right! It reminds us of the time we ripped off the movie "UP!"
- Something tells me this will end badly for somebody...
- Aha! We were right! It's as if we've already seen this episode and know what's going to happen!
- Oops! Looks like he cut a load bearing balloon.
- For the record, the baby bird carrier has been working out pretty well. Sorry for doubting you, Lumpy!
- Fun Fact: Moose tendons are always the perfect length.
- Wouldn't that hurt?
- Say what you will about Lumpy; he puts in the effort... except when he doesn't.
- Fun Fact: Birds wait until the last second to do anything.
- Safe landing in... (countdown)
- 3
- 2
- 1
- Oops! Sorry, we meant BLOODY landing. We always get that mixed up.
- That probably explains a lot about this show.
- Get it? Lumpy gave the bird...
- This episode has HEART! Get it? HAHAHAH!!
- Seriously? You're watching credits?
- Not that we're not flattered but don't you have more productive things you should be doing with your time?
- Isn't there a root canal you've always wanted to get?
- Bah! Who are we kidding? If you've gotten this far you clearly have too much time on your hands.